04.12.2013 - 01.05.2015.

Americana, Perez Art Museum Miami, Miami Beach Florida.

In this first exhibition cycle, AMERICANA includes art produced in South America, North America, and the Caribbean presented in the form of six short visual essays, each offering a critical perspective on a set of related issues in modern culture and society of particular interest to progressive artists. These thematic presentations—Desiring Landscape, Sources of the Self, Formalizing Craft, Progressive Forms, Corporal Violence, and Commodity Cultures—are not organized chronologically but rather juxtapose works from a range of pivotal historical moments since the late 1930s.

Pérez Art Museum Miami

1103 Biscayne Blvd.
Miami, FL 33132

4.12.2013 - 7.12.2013

Art Basel Miami, Miami Beach 2013 at OMR Gallery

Booth B19

1901 Convention Center Dr,
Miami Beach,
Florida 33139

12.2.201 - 12.8.2013

Untitled, Miami Beach at Steve Turner Contemporary Gallery

2013 BoothB18

Featuring: Petra Cortright, Pablo Rasgado, Camilo Restrepo and Michael Staniak

Ocean Drive and 12th Street


01.12.2013 - 01.01.2014

Revista Codigo #78

Especial Lo mejor de 2013 50 creadores/ especialistas opinan Curadores, críticos, artistas, diseñadores y arquitectos colaboran en este ejercicio que Código hace anualmente para recopilar lo mejor acontecido en el año en los ámbitos nacional y extranjero, referente a distintas disciplinas creativas.


27.09.2013 - 30.11.2013

Ojo por Diente

Solo Show at Galeria OMR
La exposición individual de Pablo Rasgado (Zapopan, 1984) es una muestra en constante cambio: crece con relación a la remodelación del espacio de exhibición. Los muros de tablaroca que dividían las pequeñas salas de OMR, fueron retirados para dar lugar a dos cuartos de mayor tamaño. En su lugar, se colocaron muros de ladrillo provenientes de otro sitio, que dan sentido a los procesos de transformación espaciales y formales de la exhibición. El material extraído de los muros es utilizado por el artista para la producción de una serie de esculturas, cuya forma y cantidad dependen enteramente del material obtenido de la demolición.

Plaza Río de Janeiro #54
Colonia Roma
México, DF


09.07.2013 - 28.04.2014

Other People´s Problems: Conflicts and Paradoxes

Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art

This exhibition is concerned with other people's problems, conflicts that do not touch us directly and confrontations stemming from the incompatibility between opposing interests. The works examine various aspects of such confrontations, and thus shed light on religious, political, economic or gender-related sites of contention, as given expression in visual art Although these problems do not seem to touch us personally, their very existence hints at the possibility that they will eventually appear on our doorstep, when it might already be too late. Moreover, the lack of empathy and compassion that most of us exhibit when faced with other people's problems may come full circle one day to hit us. In this sense, other people's problems are actually our own, and we should treat them as such.

Participants: Nir Adoni, Adar Aviam, Gili Avissar, Breaking the Silence, Olaf Breuning,Chris Coombes, Forensic Oceanography (Charles Heller and Lorenzo Pezzani), Parastou Forouhar, Kendell Geers, Guy Goldstein, Efrat Hildesheim, IRWIN (Dušan Mandič, Miran Mohar, Andrej Savski, Roman Uranjek, Borut Vogelnik), Christian Jankowski, Shahar Marcus, Aharon Ozery and Roee Ozeri, Jean-Gabriel Périot, Pablo Rasgado, Santiago Sierra, Federico Solmi, Roland Stratmann

Herzliya Museum for contemporary art,
4 Ha'banim St Herzliya 4637904,
